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2021 Round 1 Letters of Intent

2021 Round 1
Letters of Intent
To Establish New Charter Schools

In response to the 2021 Request for Proposals issued in March, the Charter School Office received six "letters of intent" to apply to establish a new charter school authorized by the Board of Regents. Of the six applicants, three are invited to submit a full application by the July 15th deadline.

Three letters of intent were not accepted for failure to sufficiently address the requirements set forth in the RFP; the letters of intent lacked sufficient evidence of outreach, proposed to serve pre-kindergarten which is not permissible under Education Law, and/or failed to submit the required background information for a minimum of 5 proposed members of the board of trustees.

  • Bernie Glassman New Ventures Charter School
  • New Rochelle Academy for Arts and Science Charter School
  • Our Kids Place Charter School

Two letters of intent were ineligible due to a proposed location within NYC, where there are currently no remaining charters to be issued.

  • New Generation Elementary Charter School
  • The Whole Elephant Chinese Charter School